
What's on!

All Living Things Environmental Film Festival

Subtitle Film Festival

Novem­ber 17th 2024 sees the twelfth edi­tion of Ireland’s only film fes­ti­val of pop­u­lar sub­ti­tled Euro­pean films – and a fan­tas­tic lineup of film-​makers and stars cel­e­brated on Sat­ur­day night at the Angela Awards, hosted by Pauline McLynn and the Camem­bert Quartet. Sub­ti­tle brings together a selec­tion of Euro­pean films that invites you to see cin­ema in a whole new way. Many of the films at the 2024 fes­ti­val have never been screened the­atri­cally in Ire­land and a num­ber of them are Irish premieres. For our 2024 edi­tion, we are pre­sent­ing 32 films. Dra­mas, Thrillers and Come­dies from Nor­way, Ice­land, Rus­sia, Italy, France, Ger­many, Den­mark, Fin­land, Spain, Ukraine and Sweden. So come and enjoy a mag­i­cal week of film in Kilkenny!

Table Quiz ‘Protecting Pound Dogs’

Christmas Party Nights at Billy Byrnes

Billy Byrnes Jazz Club featuring Hugh Buckley and Scott Flanigan

Billy Byrne’s Presents: Hugh Buckley + Scott Flanigan Two of Ireland’s most in-demand improvisers join forces in a rare concert setting. Pianist Scott Flanigan, no stranger to audiences at Billy Byrnes, is joined by one of Ireland’s leading guitarists, Hugh Buckley, to play through some of their favourite standards and more. Flanigan starred recently on Buckley’s newest album Purple Dayz, featuring songs from the 1960s and 1970s in organ trio format, and the duo will be visiting some of these tunes as part of this concert. Both musicians relish the format to play in this stripped down format, and guarantee a night of great jazz at Billy Byrne’s.

Billy Byrnes Midweek Movie Night

Every Wednesday Evening on the terrace a screening of our choice of favourite movies. Adm: Free